

Reflexions about animation. Cause we love animation, don't we?

What about Moana ?

So. What about Moana, the last Disney's movie, about a young woman I won't call a princess who go through the Ocean with a demigod to save her people and island. Basically, it was good. It was really good. First, it's... Continue Reading →

9 Reasons why Rapunzel is way better than Elsa

Today I'm gonna explain to you why Rapunzel is better than this stupid annoying Elsa who gets on our nerves with her ice since 2013. Yeah, I know, don't be sad, you ice cube.   9- The Hair. Elsa has... Continue Reading →

Top 9 of the Worst Animated Movies

Hi guys! What's up? I wanted to make a top today, but not a positive one. The top of the WORST animated movies that I could have seen. So, for you, the Top 9 of the worst animated movies. From... Continue Reading →

The New Heroes

I would like to see a movie with a main character which suffers from a serious disease or disability. Not because I want he to be in pain, but to see another kind of hero. I know that animated movies' goals are to... Continue Reading →

Why is Dory way more philosopher and smart that we though she was ?

Ok. This title might be a bit... weird. But I think this first reflexion is not. Well, I think. But errare humanum est ('mistakes are human') right? So, let's think about it. Dory is one of the main characters of... Continue Reading →

Hello everybody !

Hi!! Welcome on Animaflexion, which is a word composed of ‘animation’ and ‘reflexion’, if you didn’t get it. Haha. Ok, it was stupid. So!! This blog is about animations, because I really really like animated movies! So I decided to... Continue Reading →

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